GL Rapha People



Bulletin board
No. title Date Hits
76 Invitation of RDIF Progression of SPIEF Speech 2021-06-09 65535
75 Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Korea, Visit to C.. 2021-05-28 65535
74 GL Rapha & Hankook Korus Pharm, shipping the Sputnik V .. 2021-04-23 65535
73 RDIF, GL Rapha and ISU ABXIS to cooperate for production o.. 2021-04-15 65535
72 Hankook Korus Pharm certified as Global-IP-Star-Company 2021-04-05 65535
71 Upcoming visit of RDIF's team to GL Rapha & Hankook Kor.. 2021-02-18 65535
70 GL Rapha & HKP, IND application of PEG-GCSF to KFDA 2021-01-05 65535
69 Rice Donation Events 2020-11-26 65535
68 Erythropoietin scheduled to 2nd. shipment to Iraqi KIMADIA 2020-11-24 65535
67 Sputnik V Vaccine CMO contract between GL Rapha and RDIF 2020-11-13 65535
66 Bio Pharmaceutical CDMO Business Start 2020-09-21 65535
65 Export the Hydroxychloroquine drug against COVID-19 to Sau.. 2020-05-25 65535
64 Arab Health 2020 Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2020-03-06 65535
63 CPhI Worldwide 2019 Frankfurt, Germany 2019-11-22 65535
62 Medic West Africa 2019 in Nigeria Lagos 2019-11-19 65535

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